This highly regarded textbook features a remarkably accessible presentation grounded in the central idea of economics: that people make purposeful choices with scarce resources and interact with others when they make these choices. Principles of Macroeconomics is co-written by two acclaimed teachers, one of whom is a globally recognized policy expert and eminent scholar. Separate volumes of this book titled Principles of Economics (covering both microeconomics and macroeconomics) and Principles of Microeconomics are also available. This full-length volume encompasses only macroeconomics chapters and would typically be used in a semester- or quarter-long course. The course may also be taught at the MBA level. Principles of Macroeconomics is suitable for introductory macroeconomics courses usually called principles of macroeconomics, macroeconomics principles, introductory macroeconomics, or similar titles, taught primarily at the undergraduate level at two- and four-year colleges and universities. Definitions of key terms appear in the margins and are hyperlinked online.Carefully selected, revised, and tested problems at the end of every chapter are grounded in real-world situations.Chapter-end reading assignments based on real-life cases are contemporary and compelling.Clear and well-crafted graphs, tables, and summaries make it easy to read and understand key data.Quickly establishes clear understandings of fundamental topics such as competitive markets, equilibrium and market efficiency, and the policy implications of business cycles.Crisp, clean, and conversational writing style holds students' interest.Stimulating vignettes begin each chapter and resonate with readers.Employs several economic models to structure the presentation of key principles: Supply and Demand (Ch.

Hyperlinks include additional videos that apply topics to real-world situations and links to webpages that enrich online courses, engage students, and reinforce or augment that narrative. Updated with over 115 new hyperlinks that include brief video lectures scripted and recorded by John Taylor that align with the narrative to introduce, explain, and illustrate key economic concepts.